Research Review


Our research focuses on the design of charged membrane nanotechnology and custom electrode devices for selective extraction and purification of valuable bioactive molecules.

Our technology can be applied in scales, both small and large allowing previously cost prohibited compounds to be accessible at manufacturing levels.

One application is the purification and extraction of charged proteins. The recent development of the pandemic has inspired the use of our technology to develop non toxic bioactive molecules for disease prevention and solutions by leveraging on the understanding of cellular mechanics.

All living cells are enveloped by a protective layer referred to as the cell membrane. Embedded throughout the outer layer of the membrane are open receptors whose function is to mediate cell communication.

Viruses hijack these external receptors to gain access to the cell interior and initiate replication through the RNA transcription mechanism. The virus genetic code is encapsulated in a sphere of protein, and covered by spiky protrusions, which are in turn enveloped in a layer of fat.

The virus then hijacks the host cell’s protein-making machinery to translate its RNA into new copies of the virus. In just hours, a single cell can be forced to produce tens of thousands of new virions, which then infect other healthy cells.

Parts of the virus’s RNA also code for proteins that stay in the host cell. At least three are known. One prevents the host cell from sending out signals to the immune system that it’s under attack. Another encourages the host cell to release the newly created virions. And another helps the virus resist the host cell’s innate immunity.

Our approach to protect a cell from infection follows three general routes of action: Causing direct damage to pathogen cell walls (cidal action), prevention of growth and proliferation of pathogens (statis action), and shielding host cells through receptor blocking (protective action).

Following our approach to protect cells from infection, we developed a proprietary nanotechnology, made by synergistic formulation of biologically active molecules.

Manufactured from naturally sourced organic antiviral and antibacterial enzymes, that makes possible a broad spectrum protection by acting as a bioactive shield that forms protective layers around healthy cells, to protect from infection at the cellular level without relying on harsh chemical action.

The active ingredients use a synergistic interaction that inhibit the binding of positively charged viruses, such as SARS CoV, by blocking access to negatively charged Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycans (HSPG) cell receptors.

The antiviral activity originates from its ability to shield epithelial cells against viral attachment by providing a competitive binding mechanism. Not only does it offer proactive prevention of pathogen infection, but also helps reduce spread with its antibacterial properties and ability to trap viruses.

Once the formulation particulates attach to the virus, it is rendered inactive via a lock and key mechanism that interferes directly with the virus life cycle. It can bind to at least some of the receptors used by coronaviruses and thereby block their entry and might prevent severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) from attaching to the host cells.

The advantage of reducing the surface binding potential of pathogens is that inhibition occurs at the earliest stages of the infection cycle.